
太無聊勒貝 我的長髮
曾經的曾經 學校有髮禁
我沒有跳舞 所以沒有免死金牌留長髮
18 年了我都是短髮的
離開了高中 上大學了
髮禁 沒了

但是 最近就是覺得這三千煩惱絲 真得很煩

還有一個月了 我的牙套就要拆下

我要剪這個, 期待……

Are you moist enough?

Are you moist enough?   Yes, this is the question you should ask yourself, girls. Let's Vesaline be the starting product of my beauty blog - The sexy little things are here for you to be beautiful.

The very  first contact of Vaseline products was the petroleum pure jelly. Furthermore, I was totally in love with all the Vaseline products, especially the lotions. I love it so much. Being a girl, pretty is always ours concern. So, I chose Vaseline as my skin moisturizer.

Let's understand our  - - - SKIN

Skin Structure

Skin is the largest organ of ours body. Ours skin can be categorized into 3 layers, which are epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Ours skin provides a great protection for ours body. Furthermore, the skin also functioning as sensation organ, regulated body heat, evaporation control, acts as a storage center for lipids and water, absorption and water resistance. Thus, skin is very importance for everybody.

Normally, dry skin can be seen from the top layer of the skin, which is the stratum corneum. It is because of this layer can be easily damage by the many factors. Therefore, we need to understand the physiology of dry skin.

Physiology of dry skin (Adapted from www.vaseline.com)

Understanding dry skin

Skin is amazing. The average square inch of skin holds 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels and over a thousand nerve endings. Skin performs a myriad of functions. It has, for example, the ability to regulate body temperature and it is more than capable of protecting against the elements. The outer layer of skin is composed of two elements: a layer of living, viable cells called the epidermis; and the top-most layer, the protective cells known as the stratum corneum. To best understand how skin becomes dry and how to bring dry skin back to health, we need to understand the stratum corneum.

The stratum corneum is a functional structure, helping the body respond to the environment and maintain the skin barrier's state of health. Healthy skin naturally repairs itself. Unfortunately, skin can become overly dry, and when it does, it struggles to function optimally. Bringing dry skin back to its healthy state begins with understanding what skin endures and what it needs.

Healthy Skin

The easiest way to understand and to communicate the structure of skin is to view the stratum corneum as a brick and mortar wall. The ‘bricks’ are corneocytes while the ‘mortar’ is the lipids. Corneocytes are connected by proteins called desmosomes. Inside each corneocyte there are Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMFs) that draw moisture into the cell.

The stratum corneum regulates a natural rate of water loss in the skin, a process called Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL). Normal healthy moisturized skin loses about 80-100 grams of water into the atmosphere each day. The TEWL process is affected by the integrity of the lipid structure and the NMF. For healthy moisturized skin, these elements regulate the rate of TEWL and help maintain the proper moisture levels within the stratum corneum.

Environmental moisture loss (dry air, soap, washing)

Dry skin can be an inherited condition. However, the environment in which you live also impacts on the degree of water loss in the skin. Everyday activties such as washing with soap further affect the skin’s ability to hold moisture. The water used to cleanse also washes away the skin’s NMF, while soap removes lipids from the skin. This combination of activities degrade the skin’s barrier and allows more moisture to escape.

Lower skin resistance & quality

As skin becomes drier, there is a breakdown of the proper skin mechanisms. Without moisture, skin cells become stiff and inflexible. A loss of barrier lipids further increases exposure of cells to the environment, leading to further water loss and increased skin dryness. As skin becomes more vulnerable, its ability to withstand environmental dryness becomes impaired.

Dry skin

The lack of proper moisture levels in the skin disturbs the skin’s desquamation process. Desquamation is the natural exfoliation of cells from the stratum corneum. When the desquamation process doesn’t function properly, dead skin cells collect on the skin and become visible as dry skin flakes.

The dry skin cells accumulating on the surface feel rough and inflexible. With continued dryness, this inflexibility and tightness can lead to physical cracking of the skin – which can be painful, and further exposes skin to drying elements.

As dryness drives deeper into the stratum corneum, the physiological functions of skin (such as the natural growth and maturation of healthy corneocytes) become impaired. These under-developed, immature corneocytes reach the surface in a weakened state, further reducing the skin’s ability to withstand dryness and naturally recover from environmental assault. (Vaseline © Copyright)


Intensive Rescue

Vaseline and Me - - - (^^,)V

After the information about ours and the skin dryness factors, I would like to talk about the love story of Vaseline and me.

I was a dry princess. Before using the lotion of Vaseline, my skin was dry and rough. In the passed 20 years, I never keen to take good care for my skin, and never apply anything on my skin. Recently, I realized myself is a GIRL, Oops, so ridiculous. (It is because I didn't really do makeup , hairdo, and also skin care in my passed 20 years, I was a Tom Boy =P )  I found out that girl need to stay healthy and pretty (Girl need to be girl), so I decided to buy lotion to enhance my skin smoothness.

At first, I like to buy the smallest volume of different brands. This is because the smallest size is the cheapest and the most convenience to carry around. (I just throw it into my bag! Easy enough ^^) With the trying of different product brands, Vaseline is my favorite, because I am not having the allergic response and it is not oily.

All day moisture on my skin

I purchased the Vaseline Intensive Rescue Moisture Locking Lotion on 18th of August 2010. In order to prevent my laziness, I placed it in the bath room, so that I can apply it after bath. As I know, apply lotion after bath gives greatest moist locking effect to ours skin.

After 2 weeks of using Intensive Rescue moisture locking lotion, now no matter how many minute I spare, no matter how I scratch my skin  --- NO LINE LEAVE on my skin. = ) What I really like Vaseline Rescue Moisture Locking lotion is hypoallergenic and unfragranced. The ingredient of the Vaseline Intensive Rescue Moisture Locking Lotion are glycerin and occlusive. As the function that written on the bottle, glycerin could provide instantly triple moisture for the skin and occlusive helps lock moisture in all day long.    

Now the good news to all the dryness princess, Vaseline body lotion range is now available as a highly effective everyday body lotion for you. For me, I am looking forward to Vaseline others products launching in Malaysia. 

Attn: Nuffnangers

Furthermore, Vaseline is having a contest especially for you Nuffnangers so that you can all celebrate YOUR amazing skin. All you have to do is tell us – Are You Moist Enough? – in the most creative way possible, and you could win invites to the Celebration of Amazing Skin by Vaseline poolside party, exclusively for Nuffnangers!

Head over to http://nuffnang.com.my/vaseline and follow the instructions to submit your blog post, and the 75 best written blog posts will win a pair of invites to the poolside party. That’s not the only thing you stand to win; check out the list of goodies up for grabs:

Best Written Blog Posts
1st Prize – RM3,000 cash + Vaseline products
2nd Prize – RM2,000 cash + Vaseline products
3rd Prize – RM1,000 cash + Vaseline products
5x Consolation Prizes – RM200 cash + Vaseline products

During the party itself, there’ll be prizes for games and lucky draws too! And make sure you get some help from Vaseline body lotion to look absolutely glowing at the party, because the female blogger with “The Most Vibrant Skin” will win a Coach Handbag worth RM2,000! Details of the Celebration of Amazing Skin by Vaseline party are as below:

Date: 2 October 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 5pm – 9pm
Venue: Luna Bar
Dress Code: Green, Yellow, Pink or White (Killer heels are optional; elegance is a must – it’s the cocktail party of the year!)

We always go all out when we celebrate the good things in life, and the poolside party is no exception. Celebrity host Jojo Struys will be hosting this celebration of amazing skin, and the entertainment will not disappoint with performances by local jazz artiste Yuna, and stand-up comedy by the charming funnyman (also a big hit with the ladies), Kuah Jenhan.

Finally, imagine the stunning views the Luna Bar has to offer, and there you have it – truly an elegant affair to remember.

Ladies, wait no more! Join us for the celebration of amazing skin with Vaseline, and don’t forget to make Vaseline body lotion a must-have in your beauty stash too :)

Deadline for submissions is 12 pm, 1 October 2010 (Friday). 

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a bottle of Vaseline that suitable for you.

  -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- Be Pretty Be Beautiful Girls You Deserve It ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- 

Kanebo Blanchir Series

What is Blanchir? 
The name and concept of 'whitening', were conceived of by Kanebo in the early 1960s. These products were extracted from the oriental botanicals.

What are the ingredients in Kanebo Blanchir? 

The major Kanebo Blanchir products are made from oriental botanicals for exceptional whitening result. 
  1. Kakyoku - Red Berry (Firethorm 火) - Protects skin from UV damage
  2. Magnolignane - Active whitening ingredient 
  3. Saxifrage - Provides moisture to the skin and enhances transparency
  4. Wheat Germ - Provides moisture, prevent dryness
  5. Japanese Honeysuckle - includes the vitamins and nutrients
  6. Magnolia Obovata - Ingredient extracted from the bark of the oriental botanical
  7. Rehmanniae Radix - For skin treatment benefits
  8. Carrot  - Enhances skin's softness
  9. Elder - Contains tannins
  10. Discorea Composita - Protects skin from damage and maintain healthy skin
  11. Allay - Adds moisture to prevent rough skin
Adapted from Active Ingredients

My Skin Type 

Skin Colour - Tan 
Skin type - Combination to Dry
Skin history - It was almost dehydrated, dullness, with blemishes 
(Not many blemishes - In short, not a crystal clear skin ).  
Pimples Zone: Usually forehead and Cheeks (Premenstrual period)
Pretty Target: Get rid of my face - - - >Pimples Scars  

Which Is My Favorite?
  1.  Clay Wash Conditioner Rm 125 - The reason that I love it is because RM125 is for my one year usage. I am a person that particular in the matter of "How long it can be use" , should be 'How much that I use'. Therefore, I written the started date on 29 of November 2009, till now I am using it......I am a person that always not believe in small amount, I always think that higher amount of usage provide better result. However, Kanebo Blanchir change my concept, thus help me save up some money to buy cleanser. =p
  2. Whitening Clear Conditioner Rm 168- This is absolutely amazing! I applied right after sun-tanned, it cool down my tanned skin and protect my skin from being darker. I found it amazing is because I won't be the black chocolate. It was 100% protecting me from UV damage.  

 Blanchir Series is one of my favorite from what I had tried.

  -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- Be Pretty Be Beautiful Girls You Deserve It ------- ------ ----- ---- --- --

    沒有掃把和黑貓的魔女 A witch without bloom and black cat

    I been bored to be a good girl

    Is time

    Forget about the old self of me

    不當女王, 也不當公主
    Not going to be a Queen or Princess

    Be myself

    I prefer to be a WITCH

    A witch without bloom and black cat





    還有多少個 夢境


    太陽剛剛升起 又緩緩的落下


    做自己 最快樂










    更瞎的是绝大部分刚认识我的人, 都会说你看起来就是一副有男朋友的样子。更瞎的是,我说没有,他们还挺怀疑的。 拜托,我真的没有骗人。

    只是往往喜欢的不出现,出现的不喜欢, 这是刘若英讲的~~~

    还是像我那不同凡响的学妹 [不是一般人的学妹,是初次见她朋友这么说的]的妙语一样; 上辈子没有欠他们的,这辈子不需要还……


    每一个人来到这世界是一个不完整的圆, 我们在人生路上不断的翻滚, 为的只是要寻找可以跟你完全相互符合的另外半个不完整的圆,然而我们就不断的遇到不同的不完整的圆, 寻找着属于自己的另外半圆。 

    当然, 在寻找的过程中,你遇见了和你差不多的另一块, 满满的期望他是你的Perfect Match, 大家相互的因不了解而结合……当中的过程,你我都把自己原有的棱角经过摩擦, 慢慢的更改了一些些……若少许的摩擦, 另两人的不一样的终究变成了Lock & Key……那很好呀。 大家因不了解变得更了解了, 结合为一个圆。

    另外一种情况,大家还是因为不了解而结合……经过多翻的摩擦后, 发现两人终究无法为对方磨掉自己的棱角, 双方因为了解而分开……——又是一次的出走的寻找了


    [相爱的男女应该是精神有问题的,因为他们是痴子子根], 忘了是从那里听回来的~~~挺有趣的……
    这高深莫测的玩意, 我目前还是没有兴趣玩吧~~~
    一切莫强求,随遇而安吧, 有就有,没有就没有… 
    毕竟, 我的人生目前为止好像还有什么使命感还没完成似的……
    这高深莫测的游戏,暂且不玩……还是等待那个适合且很好的对手吧 <3
    还是我是冷血的?,嘻 [那个匍匐在寒武纪的冷血爬虫类?] ~~~ 

    要自爱哦, 单身的朋友们……

    无论相隔多远,都感觉得到你在附近 [大大的爱]


    二十多个年头 也改来个小小的总结
    生长在得天独厚热带岛国 没有太多自然灾害的国家
    小康的中上家庭 平稳的小学成绩成绩
    跻身国内有名的私立中学 小心翼翼的大学成绩毕业了
    然而 在这二十载的路程中
    得到的很多 遗失的也不少
    张韶涵 遗失的美好
    给与我的话 并没有

    我遗失了 坚定
        不管怎样 坚定的目标 不要白地坚持
    我 遗失了我的吉他 我 遗失了我的日语
    汹汹的 把他们好好的干下去

    我遗失了 立场
    对这个大社会 打垮了我的立场 
    我对着社会的立场 我的个性 
    是我不够坚定 还是这社会太有影响力呢?

    我遗失了 友情 
    看起来 我好像很容易 与别人打交道 
    对 朋友很多 
    能够和我click到的 确实没有几个
    是因为我 脱线的的时候 太多 
    还是 我过于自我中心 没有方太多的心在别人的身上
    不太像是前者 多于是后者 
    亲爱的自己 你没有很重要 你是很渺小的 
    还有 对不起 我的朋友们 

    至 亲爱的自己共勉之 
    再见吧  以前的你
    引向未来吧 今天的你 
    不止活下去 而是 精彩的活下去
    开开心心的生活 开开心心的为我们的渺小力量努力 
    总有一天 我们渺小的力量 会有回报的 



    想了想, 保守估计大概有五六年之久了……

    对于橙, 没有特别的感觉。刚开始是没有很喜欢, 也没有不喜欢的。 可能是一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草绳。 还记得小时候吃的橙多半都是酸的, 渐渐地, 潜意识就不知觉的告诉我——橙是酸的。 不喜欢吃橙的原因很简单, 就是不喜欢它的酸。

    还有, 每一次, 妈妈买了橙都会说:‘那个买橙的人说包甜’……屁, 每一次都是——酸的。 所以, 自然而然会觉得有一种被骗的感觉, 那干脆不吃为妙。 

    吊诡得很,相隔好多年没有吃橙的习惯, 最近却疯狂的爱上了。

    本来是 —— 酸的


    最近, 妈妈买的橙是甜的

    ‘是甜的, 一天一粒,很多维他命C哦’

    从小橙的故事中, 我发现了一个道理……一件事或某一物, 或许它曾经给你有不好的印象,但是深一层的接触, 带给你的却又是另一种惊喜,到了最后也许只是你对它不够了解而已罢了……而你却封闭自己的心,以为你以为的就是你以为的……




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    2. Click on Preview to see how the display will look like in your website
    3. Once you are satisfied with the display, click on Highlight Code then press CTRL-C to copy it
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    努力的活着 是为了美丽的阳光

    在台湾的日子 , 忙忙碌碌的12天……
    在台北的最后几天, 我门入住了一间大饭店, 价钱不太贵, 环境还可以……

    其实, 我要讲的不是环境有多好而是门前的事物让我感触。 突然让我想到努力活着 是为了美丽的阳光……

    另我感触的是一位老婆婆, 当时的天气可是天寒地冻, 她还是饭店门前做买卖。 这一幕另我想起了那个年纪轻轻就自杀的马来西亚年轻人……

    为什么老婆婆为了生活必须忍受寒冷, 而一个年轻人为了爱情结束生命……老婆婆为了明天的阳光卑微的努力讨生活, 为了生活苦着……而年轻人却无法坚强承受爱情的打击了结自己的生命, 真是大落差。 

    那位老婆婆每一个早晨, 寒风还狂吹, 他已经在那儿摆摊子了……就是为了生活

    为什么一个老婆婆要如此辛苦, 当我看到他的眼神时, 有一种渴求路过的人们呀, 帮帮我买吧, 让我可以糊口吧……看似心酸难过

    看台北的天气, 阴阴沉沉的, 没有生气的天空…… 但是为了美丽的阳光, 他还是坚强的面对生活的压力, 努力地活下去。 

    而我又有另外的反思, 是不是当下的年轻人受不了那一丁点苦也受不了?可怜的草莓族?

    其实我也是后八十的, 也许我也是受不了苦的一分子?我是吗? 我也不知道……

    我要学习老婆婆的精神, 不被现实打败,和这个残酷的世界面对面……

    我要努力的活着 是为了明天美丽的阳光……

    为我自己加油,为我的朋友们加油,  为世界加油。