Manchester United arrives in Malaysia

Click For the News ----- Manchester United arrives in Malaysia

Oh my gosh, It was fabulous(^^ ,)V
Yes, that is MUFC......

The soccer's player with our pride (Is that true? Maybe when I am working in this tower, it might be my pride......) --- Twin tower

It was an exciting experience, which is never ever been happened in Malaysia. This is the first time.
Although i was not there, I till can get myself in the feeling of joy and the power of MUFC, they are marvelous.

That day I was really piece off with one lady (Mother kcuf+ing bitch!---MFB), I think I should shout right in front of her, yet I didn't do that... For now I am regretting, Why am I so Nice to her? Why?). I am very ANGRY that when she is cutting my 'Q' during purchasing LRT ticket. (The LRT station was horrible, damn lot of people and the odor of sweat was ERRH~~~ )
What she was talking to me is 'Ei Stop cutting my queue'. Ei, aunty, I am right behind of the blue-T-shirt-guys with bad smell OK? And where does you appear ? HUH?
How could this aunty said this when she was doing something wrong.
For this I don't really blame that MFB lady, it was because she is with an 'Ang Mo' and she might think that everybody around her was so LOW CLass.... That's Holy Shit!
This incidence was acting as a media that allow me to release my exam tension and my dissatisfaction , Keep barking @ that so called Aunty......(^^)V

The next day, from the press
3 for MUFC - 2 for Malaysia ?

Malaysia Team member - Well Done!

The score was 3-2 (Manchester United vs Malaysia Selected Team)
Honestly speaking, would it happened in reality? 3-2 ?
Not saying that I am looking down on ours team, yet lets the truth tell please......
Malaysia not even has the chance to go for World Cup, now competing with the selected best players of the world, Malaysia could gain 2 points from them? Ridiculous......
Think about it! They just lower down their standard and make we all happy, in another words in chinese is 更本就是放水.
But anyhow, the performance of MUFC was great and they performed a great show to us...... While Malaysia team was doing their best already, normal people not even has the chance to play with them......

No matter how, Hope them can come again......

*********Hoping Hoping Hoping**********

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